Monotype and Paper-making Workshops for children, aides and teachers in the school setting...

SRA Offers Workshops in the School Setting...

Workshops with the traveling press are offered to children, aides and teachers.

Art engages children's senses in open-ended play and supports the development of cognitive, social-emotional and multi-sensory skills.

On-going through the school year

Offered Fall, Winter and Spring

Working with children in the school setting can be incredibly rewarding and satisfying! Our workshops explore real printmaking techniques using student-friendly materials and processes that produced fabulous results for every grade level. We travel on-site usually with the Gelli® plates, which offer magical results! We set our tables with brayers, brushes, water base paint, along with a variety of natural botanical foliage, flowers, and found objects such as feathers, string, torn cardboard, bubble wrap, etc.... Along with various paper, we bring stencils, templates, and a variety of textured elements to create the most unique, one-of-a-kind prints! We supply glue, and packing tape for image transfers as well as demonstrate a few simple techniques to inspire the kids to jump in quickly and experiment with their own ideas.

The only requirement in the classroom are tables and access to water...we bring shirts, cloth drops and do the clean up as well!

Degas for a Day or Night

Printmaking Workshops

The fine art of printmaking is explored.

Workshop Dates

Workshops available:
2023 ...Fall
2024...Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall

Our on-site workshops, titled Degas for a Day/Night, offer classes in monotype and collograph printmaking. Other workshops are in the fine-art of paper making. The workshops are designed for children, eight years+ as well as adults.

Set-up includes: traveling press, water-base paint, brayers, brushes, plates, paper, along with an assortment of natural and found objects to garner quick success while "pulling" unique prints!

We supply drop cloths to protect tables and floors. Clean up is always included.


Residential Printmaking Soirees and Parties!


SRA Workshops for Healthcare Patients, Staff, Alumni, Caregivers, Educators and Children